Live Events
October 14th Live Events
Listed are the Live Events that took place during the day on October 14, 2021.
Scroll down to see information on each of the events and to watch the recorded sessions.
Something Wicked
Presented by the Spotlight Drama Club
Time: 9:30 AM- 10:30 AM
Description: Theatre Appreciation students explored Shakespeare's most unnatural play through a series of scenes and monologues. Witches, ghosts, and the unearthly abound in his fantastical Macbeth. Keep your ears open for the word "nature" in our selections!
Cast list:
Macbeth - Dr. Michael Boynton (JSU acting teacher)
Lady Macbeth - Lesley Warren
Banquo/Messenger - Jacob Call
1st Witch/Doctor - Olivia Lipsey
2nd Witch/Gentlewoman - India Cole
Macduff/3rd Witch - Cole Cannon
The Unnatural Wonder of 2021’s The Green Knight
Presented by Grant Merrill, Kristin Henderson, and Angela Doyle
Time: 10:30 AM- 11:30 AM
Description: In August of 2021, a fellowship of faculty undertook a quest to journey to The Summit and behold David Lowery’s film The Green Knight. After witnessing this pièce de résistance, the noble group had mixed reactions. While some praised the film’s ingenuity, others were aghast due to the film’s violation of expectations. Still others were confounded by the film’s creative choices, with one esteemed colleague noting of a particular scene, “I don’t remember that happening in the original text.” Thus, a panel was assembled to discourse and debate the merits of this creation. The panel discussed the 2021 film The Green Knight, its origins in Arthurian Legend, and the film’s (un)natural deviations from established legend. Presenters included Jefferson State English faculty Kristin Henderson and Grant Merrill, along with Jefferson State student, Angela Doyle.
Keynote Speaker, John Mantooth: Seeking Boredom in the Entertainment Age
Time: 11:30 AM- 12:30 PM
Description: After an introduction and a brief overview of his writing history, novelist John Mantooth discussed how important it is to be bored if you truly desire to write stories. A writer’s first job is entertaining themselves. Mantooth argued that if you do not find a way to entertain yourself, you’ve already failed and writing becomes more like drudgery. It’s always work, but writing should be entertaining work. He discussed how he conceived and wrote The Year of the Storm out of boredom and also talked about short stories he has written the same way. Furthermore, he stressed how difficult it is to be bored in today’s world. These days, boredom is like exercise, something you have to make time for and schedule, or it just isn't likely to happen due to the nearly endless availability of entertainment options. He provided examples of how to bore yourself (walks, long drives, housework, sitting on the porch) and how to insure you’ll never succeed at being bored (take your phone with you on all of these activities). Along the way, he touched on trusting your imagination to show the way to the end of a story especially when your more rational side wants to interfere. Finally, he took questions.

Writing Workshop with John Mantooth
Time: 12:30 PM- 1:30 PM
Description: Keynote speaker John Mantooth worked with 10 students to provide feedback on their creative work.
Video is not available for this session.

SciFi and Fantasy Trivia
Hosted by David McRea
Time: 12:30 PM- 1:30 PM
Description: Students and faculty tested their knowledge of science fiction, fantasy, and speculative stories, movies, and television shows. Prizes were awarded to top-scoring individual competitors.
Video is not available for this session.
Fashion in SciFi and Feminist Afrofuturism
Presented by Nya Gagakuma and Theodore Longlois
Time: 1:30 PM- 2:30 PM
Description: This panel featured presentations from two Jefferson State students.
Nya Gagakuma's talk was titled "Science Fiction: Its Impact on the Fashion Industry." During the presentation, Gagakuma discussed the influence of Science Fiction through different designers in runway fashion. She began her presentation with discussing different aspects of science fiction like: dragons, aliens, and robots. She also discussed how many of the different designers are influenced by iconic Sci-Fi films throughout the years. The designers that are influenced by film, often use these films as references and inspiration for their designs that are showcased all throughout Paris and New York Fashion Week. She closed out her presentation with how she was recently influenced to use science fiction in a piece that she created with a small brand out of Los Angeles.
Theodore Longlois's talk was titled "The Dystopian Sublime: An Exploration of Racial Justice, Spirituality, and Disability in Feminist Afrofuturistic Literature." Longlois explored how Pet by Akwaeke Emezi, The Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler, and Sorrowland by Rivers Solomon use futuristic and dystopian elements to explore themes of racial justice, religion, disability, feminism, and queer identity. While Pet uses an angel straight out of the Hebrew Bible to restore justice, albeit in a terrifying sense, Sorrowland portrays religion as an oppressive force meant to indoctrinate, and The Parable of the Sower sees spirituality as a malleable neutral entity. Although each novel takes a different stance on the salvageability of the world, their remarkable approaches to gender and disability bear a striking similarity worth exploring. Longlois analyzed how identity shapes each novel’s vision of the future and what lessons we can apply to our present.
A Unified Theory of Time Travel in Star Trek
Presented by Kyle Sullivan
Time: 2:30 PM- 3:30 PM
Description: There are roughly 56 Star Trek episodes and films that feature time travel as a crucial story component. Each of these features wildly different time-travel mechanics. But, what if there were a way to reconcile these diverse and conflicting time travel explanations?
Announcement of Writing Contest Winners
Hosted by Katie Boyer
Time: 3:30 PM- 4:30 PM
Description: Winners of the 2021 writing contests were announced.